Friday, August 19, 2005

Fi∂∂le Fa∂∂le

So, last night, I went to see a good many friends perform in an amateur production of Fiddler On The Roof. It was hardly amateur, in fact it's the most touching and best production I've seen this group do. And it helps that they'd been getting all kinds of financial backing lately, so that they've now purchased and are refurbishing their own theater & arts buidling. Anyways, there's more information on their production company website: Twelfth Night Productions.

The Fiddler pictured here was just an amazing player too, very stunning.

One of the best scenes was the dream sequence (and you can see they enjoyed a real orchestra pit for the musicians which were usually stuck backstage in some of the smaller theaters they were previously in):

My husband Craig (right) hamming it up with Travis, who played the Inn Keeper, and also painted all the sets @_o !

Jack's brother Andrew, played two key roles, as the first daughter's husband, and as the town Mayor (he looked pretty snazzy in the cossack outfit below ^_^ ):

All in all a really good show, I was really amazed! If you're in the neighborhood go to their website and make plans to see it ;)


Okay so as for today, woo~ so very tired after having a business luncheon with Stevie, just a combo of heat, dehydration, and walking around Burien too much. But other then that I had a great time and look forward to hanging out with her again (especially if I can talk her into coming to CascadiaCon XD).

Tomorrow is the last CNW meeting before the Con (so lots of last minute SPAWNS info to be sure). The guest speaker is going to talk about how to make money with your webcomic, which should be informative, and which was tempting enough to get my friends Jonah, Brittany, and Jeremy to come down from Snohomish for, yay~ ^_^

ALSO, jeeze~ before I forget, got my invoice for BadBlood issue #2 yesterday, and paid it already, and so if everything goes right, I'll have #2 and a restock of #1 in time for the Con, super big YAY~!

Happily busy,

Thursday, August 18, 2005

En∂ of Era

And so... the domain name for finally expired, and I had the hosting account for it terminated yesterday (though I DL the forum's DB for posterity)... it's fitting that it should end now that is back (minus both buzzBugle and buzzServerz links), and just clears away a whole lotta shit one particular person ended up fobbing off on others.... *sigh* Some people are just not meant to run a business (especially something as client orientated as hosting).

While I'm at it, I might as well admit that I'm not doing anything for Comixpedia either. I need to fess up that I got burned on news, and probably can't look at news sites for another 6 months.


Maybe more later, got chores and a play (Fiddler On The Roof) to go to later, and I'm sure drinking will be involved somewhere in there XP


Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Påin is my friend

Lordy but I've been in pain all damn day >.< ! Woke up with a back ache and took advil with my coffee, which ate my stomach until I remembered to eat something. Then came inking the page... ah yes, that's when the elbows, hands, back, and knees all start singing a day long chorus of paaaain that wouldn't abate no matter what I took. A hot bath at the end of work helped, but that relief has since faded and we're back to the knees killing me as I sit here typing this. It really is nearly unbearable. It's the weather change, I know it. It's cooler now and my body's like freaking out or something...


So yeah, inking went okay, and I got the background shading done, though that's not nearly as pleasing as usual due to the level of distraction towards the end... christ, this sucks...

Uhm, can I think of anything else for like 10 minutes...?


Well, okay I'm not going to a drawing session tomorrow. That's something else...

And uhm...

I'm actually uploading more stuff to devART right now... and their ad server is on the fritz, so it's slowing me down, and generally pissing me off, and... and -- the PAAAAAIINN!


Now my ass hurts.


Monday, August 15, 2005

Hot Kåt

Fly kitty, fly~!

Erh, or rather lay stretched out in the coolest part of the house because it's so damn hot >_< !

Yeah, bit of a toasty one today (they said it was going to be cooler, they LIE!), which made for interesting work on sketching the next page, but that was about the only glitch, well that and I wasted a whole page getting my head together appearently, feh. Still though it's a funny page. In fact the last three have made me giggle with glee~ So at least I'M having fun! :P

Gonna meet up with Stevie on Friday, for a Lunch and exhange of money (she's buying advertising, yee~), and maybe a sketching session, yeehaw! I haven't seen her since Emerald City Comic Con, so it'll be nice to chill with another webcomic peep ^^

Well yes, so... I'm obviously feeling better about people today, but that probably has to do with the fact that I'm writing this early, BEFORE I find out what everyone has been up to. Maybe it's better that way... or maybe it's not very interesting reading...

C'mon damnit, leave comments before I kick your ass! I feel like I'm talking to myself.


Sunday, August 14, 2005

The Prøblem is...

People don't know how to love each other. I mean really love each other... let alone themselves.

This word, Love, has been so diluted and twisted and used against us, it has no meaning anymore, or if it does, it's a word full of fear and need.

When I got together my first boyfriend (at age 19 I'm proud to say), we had this agreement where we wouldn't say that word to each other... he asked for it that way, because he'd just gotten out of a relationship with a girl that got real clingy, and fearful, and was sending him teddy bears, and valentines, and all kinds of embarassing shit.

I wasn't that kind of girl to begin with, so it was no skin off my teeth, and frankly I saw what "love" was, based on my older sister and her behavior and I didn't want to be like that. It was just plain sick. In fact what most of you think of as love is just plain sick. Damn you TV, for spoon-feeding this sickness to the people!

Okay, I can hear you now, chuckling, and yet... waiting for me to explain what love really is.

Well, listen up bitches!

Love is where you CARE, I mean truely, deeply, down in the pit of your soul -- it's not a giddy thumpy heart feeling, or a light headed woozy feeling ~ it's a gut feeling.

Notice that's not qualified with a 'for', it's not love for something, as if it/them/you were a fucking object.

If you don't twinge when your significant other gets an owwie, then you're not fucking in love okay, you're infatuated, obssessed, bewitched, and otherwise out of your damn mind (and that's okay -- as long as you don't call it love).

And one other thing, if you think you "love" someone, and yet you can't operate unless they're around, that's not love either. That's NEED, which is an evil, evil thing that should be wiped from the face of this Earth.

Need is the killer of all relationships.

The only way to fix Need, is for you to find a dark cave somewhere, and mediatate on WHY you need someone else.

The Why's usually have to do with neglect and/or abuse in some form or another as a child from one or both of your parental figures... something even as innocuous as running in as a kid all happy and proud about something you acomplished and having daddy/mommy say 'not now I'm busy'... You wouldn't be the only one though, just about every damn person born from about 1969 on has these problems (yay~ for the sexual revolution, inflation, and latch-key kids ~! [/cynicism]).

But, once you've got it nailed down and figured out what that WHY was, you can learn to watch for that specific need pattern in your behavior and stop it before it does any damage.

See? And that's what loving yourself feels like, caring enough to fix your self, instead of looking for someone else to do it for you (such laziness!). Because, sure as hell no one is gonna give you the time of day if it looks like you're glomming onto them. I'm certainly not going to.
