Friday, April 15, 2005

Woe is you

Woe unto thee, woe! For I hath found my old photos from the 90's~! Yea, though they be old, they be relevant, and they WILL be shown... er, as soon as I get the best of them scanned in >_>

Some include trips to Morocco, Paris, Yosemite, Grand Canyon, uhm... that place in SW where the meteor hit... (I should know this >_< ! ), and uhm... all other kinds of stuff.

So brace thyself -- for the flood cometh!

*runs off*


Thursday, April 14, 2005

Rocky the Zombie Chia Pet

Which musical is most like your life?

Rocky Horror Picture Show

You're what we like to call an individual. You are sexual and free spirited, who just seems to somehow end up in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Personality Test Results

Click Here to Take This Quiz
Brought to you by quizzes and personality tests.

Pretty much me in a nutshell, however I tend to have the ability to be in the most interesting place at the weirdest time... like downtown during the WTC riots a few years back... or even further back in years, the dark alley while on acid as aquaintances got rung up by the cops for hash... lordy -- the places I been and the things I've seen! Surely good fodder for a decent memoir when I get past 75... if I live that long.

Eh, at least I'm not some wacked out zombie-phile.... @__@

Okay random zombie sketch time!

How's that for sexy?!


Man I'm just digging around in my brain for stuff I have no business sharing with the rest of humanity... so maybe I'll quit while I'm ahead.... yeh.


Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Is THAT my heart?

Good god damn! I'm never having that much coffee again! Nothing like laying in bed around 2am trying to fall asleep, listening to your heart pounding so hard the pillow is shaking @__@ Jeebus, Ah thut Ah wuz gunna die!


Yeah... so had a rough night trying to sleep, and to top it off, since it was Craig's night off he went out with his buddies, stayed out really late, watched a guy fake a heart attack to get out of paying for Steak & Eggs at the Hurricane, until the paramedics recognised him as doing the exact same thing before and the cops hauled him off... uh, wait, where was I? Oh yeah, and then Craig crawls into bed around 7am. I was like jeezus fuck I'm not getting up yet, and rolled over... only to roll back over and realized it was a quarter to 10am. Shit. The scramble was on! Coffee! Breakfast! Wash up! Smoke! Get to work! ... I think I sprained something in the rush... most likely my brain. Bleh... so yeah didn't have time to do much of a bonus sketch for tonight's update. But hey... I consider myself lucky to have gotten the page done on time... *phew*

Uhm... let's see if I can talk about anything without bitching... for at least five minutes...

Here's a bit of wisdom:

Love is not about heroes and damsels in distress.

That was a thought I had last night prior to passing out, when thinking over a convo a friend and I were having about his desire to break off a relationship with a sweet, yet clingy girl.

And here's another bit of wisdom:

The sweetest girls are often the neediest.

That one I learned from watching my older sister operate. I think that's part of why I turned into this bitter thing so early in life.


Shit... was I bitching?

Damn this lack of sleep >_< !

*edit to add*

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: The Claymore of Forgiveness.

Get yours.


Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Good lord I'm full of coffee right now! Just got back from hanging out with Craig and Byron at the Tully's that Travis works at, had myself a Carmel Machiato and then a drip-coffee (which really threw me over the edge) and now I'm blogging and reading over webcomic news for buzzBugle at the same time -- I AM INVINCIBLE! *cough* Or something like that...

Anyhoo, got the next BadBlood page inked way early so I tagged along for coffee and to help Byron brain-storm on a 'thing' he's been working on forever that's finally taking on solid written form. It's turning into a nice tight story. And that's all I can say about that...



Monday, April 11, 2005

Interviews, reviews, and scandals -- oh my~!

First off, there's an interview I did a few weeks ago that is now available over on Comixpedia.

And, after much wringing of hands Willie G has done his review of BadBlood, and surprisingly enough my nose is still straight... maybe I scare people too much or something... :?

Really though, this prize... the gem if you will (because it's bringing in a shitload of traffic), is this little scandal:

In the process of waiting for Willie's review, he posted this little quickie, and for posterity's sake, to wit:

And The Next Comic Is.....

BadBlood by Liriel McMahon, the other daughter of WWE owner, and pro-wrestling personality, Vince McMahon.


No, it's not true. Sheesh.

To which replied:

H.S.Kim said...

Wow, that one's ugly.

Looks like a cross between a Jack Chick phamflet and yaoi porn.

Impressive chins these guys have...

I link to these comics, but never read them... life is too short.

And I was kind enough to respond:

Liriel said...

I'm actually related to Ed McMahon... the horror...

Thanks for the feedback Kim... if you're who I think you are -- I'd do ya... *wink*

And to which then H. S. Kim then posted on his website the following:

Monday, April 11, 2005
Liriel said she'd do me, even after I goofed on her comic. Sweet... someone donate a plane ticket.

Holy shit, what have I gotten myself into?

What's really hilarious about this, is the fact that back in 2002 I was a mewling newb on the How To Draw Manga forums while he (then known as CrazyKimchi) was a reigning deity. Alas, no one can apreciate the irony of that like I can.

One thing I'd like to know though, where exactly am I going to be flying to?


Sunday, April 10, 2005

"She can't take anymore, Captain!"

My social life has taken on a vibrating shimmy, like a bus roaring out of Casablanca over horrid roads, or the Enterprise zooming through space, engines to the limit. I can't keep this up. I think after next weekend I'm going to vanish... hide out... become a hermit again... Of course that will depend on if I'm allowed that luxury. But I can always say no. Lord knows there's a lot of extraneous work I could be doing instead, things I've been meaning to do, promised to do, HAVE to get done...

I'll tell you though, honestly this is the first time in a long time I've really had a social life, one of my own that is. For the last six years I've lived vicariously through my husband, his friends were mine. Which is okay, they're my kind of folk, but it meant Craig was the intermediary -- I'd always feel akward calling them up to see what they were up to on the nights Craig had to work. It's still like that. That and I'm really a social cripple because I don't drive (have never learned to drive, and probably mentally incapable of driving... ever).

Something has changed though, not sure what exactly, but I suddenly find myself out with others... new people, different places... and it's actually very refreshing... even addicting... and sometimes scary.

Eh yeah, but I guess that's the thrill of life, idn't it? That the hull just might get ripped apart while pushing boundaries... or that something new and/or interesting will be discovered... Never hurts to take a break though, refuel, process the data collected... yeah.

Over and out,