Saturday, August 27, 2005


They say that preparation is half the battle... hell it's looking more like the whole damn war >_< !

So yeah, that's what I've been off doing (preparing for that con I might have mentioned here or there... >_>) instead of blogging about what I should be doing, yadda, yadda, yadda...

I should be able to relax in a couple of days... maybe...

Really though everything is going smoothly, nothing really to stress about, all my ducks are in a row.

Except... except for one thing -- wondering when my comic prints of #1 & 2 are gonna to get here @___@ !

That's the only wild card in this whole event. No show and I've got, what, 17 issues of #1 to sell...?

Meheeheehee~ not gonna cut it...

Craig asked me if I e-mailed them about it yet, and I was like, I don't think that would make 'em ship any faster hun. For all I know the person answering e-mails is the one running the print machine and I could be stealing precious seconds away with a pointless e-mail. They either get here on time, or they don't - not much I can do about it. Besides everything else is going so well... ^_^ *trying to remain positive*

Eh well, anyways, I'm pretty tired from all the cutting, tracing, cutting, folding, ironing, and such I did today. Tomorrow I've got more of the same. w000~

Night all,

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Just checking in here...

Lord god allmighty the last panel of this page I inked today is going to be horrendous >_< !

And why lord, did I have to wake up at 5:30am this morning worrying about CascadiaCon? WHY?!

I'm gonna go find some chocolate... ¬_¬


Monday, August 22, 2005

Wërk It

Eyah, back to work =_= ...

Got stuck at the end of penciling the page today and threw caution to the wind with an idea I know isn't going to go very well... but I couldn't think of anything else to do. Inking should be... interesting tomorrow.

I'm beginning to think getting everything planned out for CascadiaCon is going to give me a 10-day headache. I'm really trying to make it to where those folks what have volunteered to help me out aren't stuck at my table all day.

But I probably won't have a good idea of anything until Wednesday night, after the update, when I'm (hopefully) meeting with Jack (who came back safely from his road trip at least). He's mentioned though something about being unavailable some of the days (and of course so have several of the others).

But of course I can't really think about it all right now as I gotta focus on the page (that's kinda what happened today, someone called, and then I got stuck worrying about this instead of that, gah...).

Sorry, had to get that of my chest at least.


Holy crap, 10 days to the biggest con evar @_@ !!

I have this funny feeling I'm not going to be able to concentrate on next week's page at all >_< !


Holy crap, 10 days to the biggest con evar @__@ !!!!


Sunday, August 21, 2005

Fün with Rüm

Had a busy day/night yesterday.

First was a CNW meeting that the RPC crew (and long time friends, L-R: Jeremy, Jonah, and Brittany, all Gregory) came to.

I hardly ever get to see these folks (prior to this only at cons), so it was a nice treat, in addition to the informative guest speaker Bill Barnes, who was there to talk about making money at webcomics (though Frown says he talks too much XD).

Afterwards it was off to Frown & Katy's place to get ready for a galla night at the club.

I had already gone with my MIB suit, appropriate for the meeting and the galla event without a change of clothes (it wasn't laziness, just being practical XD).

While they were busy doing that I occupied myself with taking pictures of the incredible view of the city's backside that Frown has. Voila~!

Here's the Emperor Frown himself:

And Katy, the Emperor's Consort:

It was a fun night at the club, lots of fabulous costumes, showboating, and of course drinks and dancing. I was most impressed with one of the DJs, all the way from Vancouver BC, he wouldn't let us stop dancing >.< ! My only complaint was that I understood it would be catered, so I didn't eat much before hand. Alas, all they had was cup cakes >_< !

At any rate, I should have woken up feeling worse than I did, but hey, I didn't so yay. Been able to work on planning for CascadiaCon all day (they came out with a prelim schedule, so I'm trying to work out exactly when I'm going to need my table helpers and such). More on that later I expect.

That's all for now, got tons of net stuff to do before bed and beginning work on the next page tomorrow.
