Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Seattle ComiCard 2005

Unaware of the back-room murmurs and whispered accolades, I was surprised to be invited to attend this year's Seattle ComiCard as a guest :D !

The event fell on October 23rd... a Sunday. A rainy Sunday.... :|

It was at Seattle Center in the Northwest Rooms (just North of Key Arena where the Seattle Sonics play basket ball), three rooms full dealers flaunting mostly Golden & Silver Age comics, trading card games, and a whole mess of collectibles.

Here's a view of the third and final room (some dealers and us Special Guests) from my table.

The table next to me there was QEW Publishing (Quality Entertainment Works) run by Quenton Shaw -- and I'd like to mention a big thanks to him right now for lending me a more comfortable chair for my back which decided to start spazing out on me early on. He had with him a lot of fresh talent and plans for Emerald City ComiCon next year. I hope to see him and the crew there :D

Also in that pic looking at the QEW table are Narcissa & Pete up from Anaheim, a couple of folks who later stopped by my table. Pete told me that he'd seen mention of BadBlood on-line, and in fact he recalled seeing a Sumi sketch along with someone commenting on her looking "muscular" XD. I ended up having a very good conversation with them both.

There was only one other person who'd heard of BadBlood, or rather came specifically to see me ^^;; and that was "Spit" who'd come all the way up from Portland... with her parents... she's 15 (I don't know who was more nervous, me, or the parents XD ! ). But she shared her portfolio with me, of which I was sufficiently impressed (go check out her devArt account!) and I told her to stick with it. She's got great art talent. So yay me for attracting talent ~ :D

I got asked twice if BadBlood was going to be a movie... O_o ... well DUH! One fellow who collects movie memorabilia picked up a set of signed postcards just in case - I told him he was a step ahead of everyone ^_^ !

Early on in the show Mark Smith of Radical Racers CCG came by to chat, mentioning of course the trading card game that he and his young son had come up with -- I thought that was awesome so of course I'm mentioning it. At the website there's even a way to try it out online ^_^ .

Here's the 8' table, the 6' table cloth, and the 5' me (sorry about the pic quality, it got munched).

About the suit - I think I scared the heck out of one of the janitor ladies in the restroom! I was in a hurry as I rushed in, she gasped when she saw me go past. I stopped, looked at her -- thought maybe I had missed a 'rest room closed for cleaning' sign or something. And then I realized she had thought I was a man XD ! She was still apologizing as I was done and leaving.

Towards the end of the show Jim Demonakos (lead organizer behind Emerald City ComiCon, also currently employed with Image) stopped by to chat. We talked of EC3 2006, and how he was happy to get more webcomic guests for this go round and wondered if I was interested in a webcomics panel... am I?! So, now I look forward to making an ass of myself in front of Penny Arcade and PVP ~ XD !

At the stroke of 4:45 pm I headed over to talk to Paul Guinan about one of the covers I'd been staring at all day from across the room (I thought it very striking) and to take a closer peek at his work. Pretty neat :D !

And at 5:00pm the show was done.

I did sell some issues of BadBlood, one fellow about to head out to Iraq even bought issue #1 on a lark, among other folks.

Over all ComiCard for me was a lot of talking and handing out postcards. Folks were intruiged by the idea of vampires in Seattle, which I thought was good. Really it was a lot of Pitch practicing, some networking, and trying to remember to smile.

I tell you though it's nice, for once, to leave a convention with 100% profit :D ~!
