Saturday, April 23, 2005


\ri-'zil-yen(t)s\ n (1824) 1 : the capability of a strained body to recover its size and shape after deformation caused esp. by compressive stress 2 : an ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change

I almost always bounce back from upsetting events, though some events take longer.... like the car accident of 1989... but that's another story. This particular time I was helped swiftly along, and it was good.



Thursday, April 21, 2005

The things I do to myself...

I'd been thinking about my dad a lot lately...

While turning the office upside down looking for my earliest diaries (which I didn't find of course) I ran across the scrapbook of his works I put together over 20 years ago (which was the last time I saw him), and then I found the photos... there was one of him and I... probably the only one in existance...

So tonight, just now in fact, I spent a good 2 and a half hours searching the internet for any sign of him.

I probably shouldn't have done that.

I guess in 1996 he had a near fatal heart attack. Then a stroke. Health issues compounded by financial problems which didn't help relationships. On his old geocities (circa 1998) he summed it all up:

"I am alone and likely to remain that way. I live with constant pain and loneliness and fear, with no hope of a better future."

Lord god -- of course I tried the only e-mail address I could find... but it immediately bounced.

However I found another webpage, circa 1999 where he described living with a new friend and lots of pets, and I found the most recent picture of him:

He always loved animals.

I hope he's still okay, doing better, or failing those... blissfully beyond.




Got the comic updated for another week.

I actually had fun shading it, and work went better then the previous two days... certainly less pain, though I'm starting to feel it now just from the shear length and effort of this day.

Story time!

There's this fellow that lives in the complex across from me, and older gentleman who favors a black knit cap over his short white hair and matching jacket and slacks, and who appearently gets around on his bicycle. His favorite hobby became appearent to me for the first time yesterday evening as I realized it was his hobby.

You see, he likes to stand on the balcony that fronts his apartment and overlooks the vast parking lot below. That wouldn't be so unsual, as I'm sure the view is more interesting then mine, but what is unusual is that that particular location happens to have the best audio dynamic, in such that anyone standing there can have their spoken volume voice carry up, fully around, and out of the parking lot and over to mine.

I've heard it many times before, like when he'd be talking to a cat he was petting, or talking to someone in the parking lot, or on the balcony with him. I suppose it wouldn't be so bad if this man's voice wasn't of such a quality as to drive a person insane if forced to listen to it for any length of time... or the simple fact that I'd prefer to be reading my book instead of having someone else's conversationally inane words invading my imagination.

However though, yesterday evening was a little different. The wind was blowing his words mostly away so I couldn't really listen if I wanted to, and since it was too dark to read, I just watched him. He was... pontificating. After a while, the wind died, and I was able to make out that he was ranting at the apartment manager (who wasn't there obviously), raving that he was going to leave anyways. Oh dear... what ever will he or I do without that audio effect?


NEways, 'nother pic:

L-R: Strange elfin girl, Aunt Sharon, and cousin Clint.


Tuesday, April 19, 2005

It's times like these...

...that I realize I'm really tired.

Didn't sleep well, finally passing out around 2am... but Craig woke me up at 6:30am. He didn't mean to... but I ended up so pissed that I couldn't get back to sleep and had to get up.

Spent too much time fixing the penciled panels for the next page, trying to make sense of my script's intentions, as well as trying to make it look right. And then with inking the line work, pain had already settled into my whole right arm, and so it came out sloppy... I'm just really annoyed right now.

Never mind the little matter of not having the time or inclination to search news for buzzBugle, let alone post. I've completely fallen apart on Comixpedia to boot. It's been weeks since I've submitted anything over there.


Oh for the simpler days...


Monday, April 18, 2005

Damn these weekends

Woo yeah, another wild and crazy weekend... bloody hell >_< !

Stick a fork in me, I'm done.

Friday was just an all out... comedic tragedy. At the Mercury, doing my best to stay sober and still have a good time, and yet everyone around me got completely sloshed, especially my husband, who just got so embarassing I finally gave up and slammed three Redrum & Cokes. Still wasn't enough... But at least I got some dancing done.

Thankfully Saturday started innocuously enough, with a CNW meeting, where we talked about the two events for CascadiaCon; SPAWNS, and Comic Biography Theater. And then we had a nice guest speaker James Taylor of Rorschach Entertainment, which was very fascinating because he talked a lot about indie press vs. Diamond distrubution... or at least that's what I found facinating. I also managed to snag a book for less then half the regular price, which was good because I only had $8.00 left over after Friday, yee~

Oh yeah and also at the meeting I recieved this:


I also spent time hanging out at the after-meeting social -- what a fun group ^_^

After the meeting, things started getting weird again... went with Frown and friends to an... art show. Which in and of itself was good. Most of the art was excellent, but being the kind of art show it was, half of it was a performance art, meaning the crowd was in on it and I don't do well in crowds who are so demanding... it's like being surrounded by vampires. That and I stupidly wore my heavy leather jacket, so after a once-around I was in serious pain, and in serious need of less people.... and a Redrum & Coke. After we made it out we went to drop off the Frown friends at the neighborhood bar... hmmm... bar... hey, let's go in for a drink *grin* . This place wasn't classy enough to have Redrum, but damn the ones they made were potent >_< ! Yeah, so then I was able to relax, try and play a little pool on a wee-table, and generally practice socializing with people I'd just met (the Frown friends) -- another fun bunch of folks ^_^

Alas, since I didn't eat anything before bed, the three Rum & Cokes I had were still with me the next morning when I woke up at 7:30am and tried to make coffee with Craig asking me all about the night before... =_= The rest of Sunday was just long and exhausted... I tried getting on the net... succedded for all of 20 mins and then had to recollapse on the couch. Pathetic.

Today was an okay day, but had to work on sketching the next page with this persistent irritation from no where lingering around me... it was like an itchy cloud of doom or something... Didn't help the page much, looking at having to redo a couple panels tomorrow before I can ink the line-work. Hopefully tomorrow will be a nice day *crosses fingers*
