Thursday, April 21, 2005



Got the comic updated for another week.

I actually had fun shading it, and work went better then the previous two days... certainly less pain, though I'm starting to feel it now just from the shear length and effort of this day.

Story time!

There's this fellow that lives in the complex across from me, and older gentleman who favors a black knit cap over his short white hair and matching jacket and slacks, and who appearently gets around on his bicycle. His favorite hobby became appearent to me for the first time yesterday evening as I realized it was his hobby.

You see, he likes to stand on the balcony that fronts his apartment and overlooks the vast parking lot below. That wouldn't be so unsual, as I'm sure the view is more interesting then mine, but what is unusual is that that particular location happens to have the best audio dynamic, in such that anyone standing there can have their spoken volume voice carry up, fully around, and out of the parking lot and over to mine.

I've heard it many times before, like when he'd be talking to a cat he was petting, or talking to someone in the parking lot, or on the balcony with him. I suppose it wouldn't be so bad if this man's voice wasn't of such a quality as to drive a person insane if forced to listen to it for any length of time... or the simple fact that I'd prefer to be reading my book instead of having someone else's conversationally inane words invading my imagination.

However though, yesterday evening was a little different. The wind was blowing his words mostly away so I couldn't really listen if I wanted to, and since it was too dark to read, I just watched him. He was... pontificating. After a while, the wind died, and I was able to make out that he was ranting at the apartment manager (who wasn't there obviously), raving that he was going to leave anyways. Oh dear... what ever will he or I do without that audio effect?


NEways, 'nother pic:

L-R: Strange elfin girl, Aunt Sharon, and cousin Clint.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

strange elfin girl indeed ...

2:46 AM  
Blogger Ima Peccable said...

That's some adorable strangeness going on there. I mean strange adorableness!

3:40 PM  

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