Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Is THAT my heart?

Good god damn! I'm never having that much coffee again! Nothing like laying in bed around 2am trying to fall asleep, listening to your heart pounding so hard the pillow is shaking @__@ Jeebus, Ah thut Ah wuz gunna die!


Yeah... so had a rough night trying to sleep, and to top it off, since it was Craig's night off he went out with his buddies, stayed out really late, watched a guy fake a heart attack to get out of paying for Steak & Eggs at the Hurricane, until the paramedics recognised him as doing the exact same thing before and the cops hauled him off... uh, wait, where was I? Oh yeah, and then Craig crawls into bed around 7am. I was like jeezus fuck I'm not getting up yet, and rolled over... only to roll back over and realized it was a quarter to 10am. Shit. The scramble was on! Coffee! Breakfast! Wash up! Smoke! Get to work! ... I think I sprained something in the rush... most likely my brain. Bleh... so yeah didn't have time to do much of a bonus sketch for tonight's update. But hey... I consider myself lucky to have gotten the page done on time... *phew*

Uhm... let's see if I can talk about anything without bitching... for at least five minutes...

Here's a bit of wisdom:

Love is not about heroes and damsels in distress.

That was a thought I had last night prior to passing out, when thinking over a convo a friend and I were having about his desire to break off a relationship with a sweet, yet clingy girl.

And here's another bit of wisdom:

The sweetest girls are often the neediest.

That one I learned from watching my older sister operate. I think that's part of why I turned into this bitter thing so early in life.


Shit... was I bitching?

Damn this lack of sleep >_< !

*edit to add*

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: The Claymore of Forgiveness.

Get yours.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fuck's Sake woman, quit yer bitchin'! I haven't had a wink yet and you don't see me bitchin' do ya? Huh? oh ... well I guess I am, allright nevermind.

Beware the dangers of coffee overdose however, we've discussed this before I know, but there's nothign worse than listening to your heart beat while staring at the ceiling trying to sleep. And it seems like every little noise is a distraction, stuff that you wouldn't even normally hear! Hate it.

However. I've always believed in the caffein inspiration method when working on art. And your latest vote bonus: Truly Inspired! Love it.

As for The Claymore's thoughts on love: Yeah. All that comes to mind is something like 'women suck'. Don't know where I've heard that before, but I like the way it sounds. Seen it.

Off to work. *yaaaawn*

8:17 AM  
Blogger Ethan said...

Not all women suck mind you... it's just that our culture teaches them the lazy way to get what they want, and they take it. Thankfully I never recieved that indoctrination (thank you Mom!! :D)... and frankly I would NEVER emotionally manipulate a fellow human being. It's just not cool.

10:19 PM  

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