Saturday, August 13, 2005

C®isis Hotline

Everyone around me is having a fucking crisis... and it's driving me crazy.

Well no, not actually, just my powerlessness to do anything about any of it.


All day I've had the restless go-no-wheres and gotta-do-somethings, that's also been driving me crazy... I can feel like a mountain of trouble coming and it's probably all in my head.

Excuse my mind here, it's all over the place.

I think I'm just... fucking bored... but I know there's more to boredom then what most people think.

"Boredom is lack of the capacity for registering subtle variations." Says Colin Wilson.

What does that mean?

It means 'wake the fuck up, you zombie'.

Though there's even more to it then that... so I dunno, maybe the mountain is coming, maybe I'm right.

Maybe we're all doomed.

Or maybe just a few of us.

Probably not me though, I always seem to be around after the fact, putting it all into that horrendously big and wide perspective I'm cursed with.

Well... I suppose someone has to...


Friday, August 12, 2005


Now I KNOW Extreme Tracker is screwing with me. I checked hits for Thursday last night and it was well over 700, but right now it's only showing 653 for Thursday. Damn son of a... *grumbles*

Anyhoot, pardon the outburst... been a long day of... working on annoying little things and trying to keep it all in the big picture. Ayep, that's it exactly.

Not much else to say... think I'll go have a cig real quick here, maybe gather my thoughts...


Nope not much else to say, just in a mental funk =_= ...


Thursday, August 11, 2005


A lot less giddy today, just kind of wiped out =_= ...

After the comic update I went to a live model drawing session from 7:30 - 10:30pm. It went so-so as I started getting really tired during the last hour and couldn't focus on proportions, etc. Made for some funky drawings (which will be eventually posted to my devART account, though since they're nudes you'll have to be a member of the apropriate age to see them :/ ).

Anyways after the drawing session, ended up walking around near half of Capitol Hill going from a friends place to a local pub to meet with the husband and friends, that was pretty exhuasting, but the following rum and cokes helped pep me back up, so much so that when hubby and I left (around 1:30am) we walked all the way to the Mercury and got in just in time to buy a shot and bottle of water XD. We were the only ones there though, so we left them to close up, and went shopping for pizzas, and luckily hailed a cab to get home... no idea what time it was then, but we ate, went to bed, and ended up talking until 5:30am XD

Needless to say I got a late start on the chores today, and didn't get near enough net stuff done that I wanted to, but eh well, it is supposed to be my day off... >_> theory.

Anyhoot, I'd better get started on some of that net stuff or it'll never get done...


Tuesday, August 09, 2005

ShøØt Me Please

Heh heh... well. Appearently in my giddy haste to update the site code I screwed up, and left off the last page for about 3 or so hours. Bet that confused the hell out of a lot of people >_< !

And since I was already in mucking around in cPanel I went ahead and updated the sponsorship page -- so it's TOO LATE to buy a tower ad for a buck!


I need to eat now...



Busy, busy, bizzzy~

Slept well and thus work on the page went much better today, got it all inked and all the backgrounds shaded... thank god. Should be able to do a drawing session again tomorrow after the update :D

Even had time to go through all the comic archives and insert code for banner ads, and tweak with the side bars (which had been also driving my slightly crazy). The banner ads should be ready to go by Thursday or Friday, as soon as I get the sponsor page updated with new PayPal code (a rate increase is coming down the pipes too -- so buy now XD!)

I even got a bath :D :D ... though I haven't managed to eat anything more than string cheese every four hours... I really should go eat something closer to real food XP

Anyhoot, Reno 911 is really distracting me right now, so I'm gonna just post this thing and get off to what I need to get done on the internet tonight XP


Monday, August 08, 2005

Gød Speed

I can't believe I couldn't sleep last night because I was worried about the Space Shuttle landing... Seriously though, seemed like every few hours I'd wake up and wonder, 'Did it land okay? Or did it...?'. And when Craig woke me up this morning the first thing I murmured was 'Did it land okay? Or did it...?" And he informed me that it had been delayed due to weather... =_= Okay so I'm just gonna say now, since they're gonna try again around 2:30am PST (and I better be asleep damnit >_< ! ), that I pray everything goes okay, and that it doesn't... you know.


Anyways, I had a long damn day, and due to lack of sleep, I couldn't get the sketches right for the page, and JUST now decided to call it a day. So yeah, 12 hours of sketching and penciling, and I still didn't complete the penciled page >_< ! Why oh why did I decide to make it 15 panels... ?


I hate missing my bath, and not having time to eat... I'm finally getting my lunch right now... and it's getting cold. Okay, that's all, I'm outta here~


Sunday, August 07, 2005

Wøt 'ell

Another exciting day at the home front... screwed around with the BB forum to try and get it back to normal with img links and such, messed around with GarageBand on some more silly tunes, and watched the Blue Angels again, this time from the comfort of my own couch. Oh yeah, and now I have clean clothes again, woo~

As to the forum I realized today I'll probably have to replace it with a full version upgrade. As it is, when I do code insert/replacements I often find I don't have the latest version of a certain page with even the code that's being replaced in it, and I have to DL the latest full version anyways XP ...

Perhaps... just perhaps that's why there's such a problem with the img links. First though I'll have to go about seeing how such a full version upgrade can be done, and I'll probably wait until the next version comes out, which, well, shouldn't be too long the way these things go.

I also want to mess around with the comic archives and main page so I can offer banner advertising, that'll be a lot of cut and paste =_= ... So yeah I need to set aside time to sit down with some code revisions (too bad I can't get my line editor to work on the laptop ;_; ... ).

Last night I kept thinking about this SPAWNS 24-hour comic event that I'm going to be doing at CascadiaCon, and as always my mind waits until I'm trying to sleep to come up with the best ideas... I can remember some of it. But really I need to get on the horse for researching Space Elevators and see if that'll trigger more solid story ideas.

And thus ends the weekend, back to work tomorrow on the next BadBlood page, wee~


This pic is from the SCA's 25th Anniversary Beltane Celebration event somewhere in central California (Kingdom of The West). It was a week long event, and lots of fun. This was the last pic as we were packing up to leave.

L-R: Elspeth, behind Elspeth my first boyfriend Dominic, then guy who's name I Forgot, myself, and my friend Jeremy.

Elspeth and I Forgot were two folks all the way from Victoria BC that we met at the event. They told me a lot about the SCA Kingdom of An Tir I would soon be moving up to in Seattle. Oddly enough I've never run into either of them at An Tir events... O_o
