Thursday, August 11, 2005


A lot less giddy today, just kind of wiped out =_= ...

After the comic update I went to a live model drawing session from 7:30 - 10:30pm. It went so-so as I started getting really tired during the last hour and couldn't focus on proportions, etc. Made for some funky drawings (which will be eventually posted to my devART account, though since they're nudes you'll have to be a member of the apropriate age to see them :/ ).

Anyways after the drawing session, ended up walking around near half of Capitol Hill going from a friends place to a local pub to meet with the husband and friends, that was pretty exhuasting, but the following rum and cokes helped pep me back up, so much so that when hubby and I left (around 1:30am) we walked all the way to the Mercury and got in just in time to buy a shot and bottle of water XD. We were the only ones there though, so we left them to close up, and went shopping for pizzas, and luckily hailed a cab to get home... no idea what time it was then, but we ate, went to bed, and ended up talking until 5:30am XD

Needless to say I got a late start on the chores today, and didn't get near enough net stuff done that I wanted to, but eh well, it is supposed to be my day off... >_> theory.

Anyhoot, I'd better get started on some of that net stuff or it'll never get done...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:30 AM !??????!

Damn woman! you're freakin' nuts! Sorry I had to bail so early, I was beat! Maybe we'll hook up sometime this weekend?

Have fun with those chores! ;)

12:31 PM  
Blogger Ethan said...

Chores shmores... >_>

8:39 PM  

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