Sunday, August 21, 2005

Fün with Rüm

Had a busy day/night yesterday.

First was a CNW meeting that the RPC crew (and long time friends, L-R: Jeremy, Jonah, and Brittany, all Gregory) came to.

I hardly ever get to see these folks (prior to this only at cons), so it was a nice treat, in addition to the informative guest speaker Bill Barnes, who was there to talk about making money at webcomics (though Frown says he talks too much XD).

Afterwards it was off to Frown & Katy's place to get ready for a galla night at the club.

I had already gone with my MIB suit, appropriate for the meeting and the galla event without a change of clothes (it wasn't laziness, just being practical XD).

While they were busy doing that I occupied myself with taking pictures of the incredible view of the city's backside that Frown has. Voila~!

Here's the Emperor Frown himself:

And Katy, the Emperor's Consort:

It was a fun night at the club, lots of fabulous costumes, showboating, and of course drinks and dancing. I was most impressed with one of the DJs, all the way from Vancouver BC, he wouldn't let us stop dancing >.< ! My only complaint was that I understood it would be catered, so I didn't eat much before hand. Alas, all they had was cup cakes >_< !

At any rate, I should have woken up feeling worse than I did, but hey, I didn't so yay. Been able to work on planning for CascadiaCon all day (they came out with a prelim schedule, so I'm trying to work out exactly when I'm going to need my table helpers and such). More on that later I expect.

That's all for now, got tons of net stuff to do before bed and beginning work on the next page tomorrow.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

The CNW meeting was a lot of fun. I'll probably end up going to it more often. Next time I'll try to make it to the poorly named "afterwards thing"

11:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aye Spammy, the poorly named 'afterwards thing' is truly fun, but for more fun, join Liriel and I for the 'even more fun afterwards thing'!

Liriel, where's the pics of you in your MIB suit? The emperor and his consort want their ambassador to be in the pics as well!

Had a fun night btw - despite the cupcakes.

10:07 AM  
Blogger Ethan said...

The 'even more fun after the afterwards thing thing', even XD

Pictures of me in the MIB suit? But no one could get the camera out of my hands, and I'm really rather lousy at taking snapshots of myself... besides you all already know what it looks like XD

Damn cupcakes >_< !

9:31 PM  

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