Friday, August 19, 2005

Fi∂∂le Fa∂∂le

So, last night, I went to see a good many friends perform in an amateur production of Fiddler On The Roof. It was hardly amateur, in fact it's the most touching and best production I've seen this group do. And it helps that they'd been getting all kinds of financial backing lately, so that they've now purchased and are refurbishing their own theater & arts buidling. Anyways, there's more information on their production company website: Twelfth Night Productions.

The Fiddler pictured here was just an amazing player too, very stunning.

One of the best scenes was the dream sequence (and you can see they enjoyed a real orchestra pit for the musicians which were usually stuck backstage in some of the smaller theaters they were previously in):

My husband Craig (right) hamming it up with Travis, who played the Inn Keeper, and also painted all the sets @_o !

Jack's brother Andrew, played two key roles, as the first daughter's husband, and as the town Mayor (he looked pretty snazzy in the cossack outfit below ^_^ ):

All in all a really good show, I was really amazed! If you're in the neighborhood go to their website and make plans to see it ;)


Okay so as for today, woo~ so very tired after having a business luncheon with Stevie, just a combo of heat, dehydration, and walking around Burien too much. But other then that I had a great time and look forward to hanging out with her again (especially if I can talk her into coming to CascadiaCon XD).

Tomorrow is the last CNW meeting before the Con (so lots of last minute SPAWNS info to be sure). The guest speaker is going to talk about how to make money with your webcomic, which should be informative, and which was tempting enough to get my friends Jonah, Brittany, and Jeremy to come down from Snohomish for, yay~ ^_^

ALSO, jeeze~ before I forget, got my invoice for BadBlood issue #2 yesterday, and paid it already, and so if everything goes right, I'll have #2 and a restock of #1 in time for the Con, super big YAY~!

Happily busy,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, Burien can do that to anyone.
CascadiaCon is a royal go, except for the holiday Monday, when I have a wedding to go to. Drop me a line and stuff.

Thank you for the zip, Ms. Wiz. It's a dotty delight.


11:54 PM  
Blogger Ethan said...

Sweetness :D ~! And I'm glad that ziptone is working out for ya ;)

12:26 PM  

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