Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Påin is my friend

Lordy but I've been in pain all damn day >.< ! Woke up with a back ache and took advil with my coffee, which ate my stomach until I remembered to eat something. Then came inking the page... ah yes, that's when the elbows, hands, back, and knees all start singing a day long chorus of paaaain that wouldn't abate no matter what I took. A hot bath at the end of work helped, but that relief has since faded and we're back to the knees killing me as I sit here typing this. It really is nearly unbearable. It's the weather change, I know it. It's cooler now and my body's like freaking out or something...


So yeah, inking went okay, and I got the background shading done, though that's not nearly as pleasing as usual due to the level of distraction towards the end... christ, this sucks...

Uhm, can I think of anything else for like 10 minutes...?


Well, okay I'm not going to a drawing session tomorrow. That's something else...

And uhm...

I'm actually uploading more stuff to devART right now... and their ad server is on the fritz, so it's slowing me down, and generally pissing me off, and... and -- the PAAAAAIINN!


Now my ass hurts.



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