Saturday, May 21, 2005

Mysterious Mysteries

Damn neighbors two doors down from me decided to have a drunken loud and wretched fight last night at 3am... woke me up, and for that I call the cops. Funny thing was the conversation with the 911 operator:

Op: "Let me just confirm your phone number."

Me: *does so*

Op: "And your name...?"

Me: *gives full name with spelling at her insistance*

Op: "And... what apartment are you in again...?"

Me: *gives apartment number*

Op: "Do you... have relatives in number *censored*?"

Me: "Why yes I do, my mother and sister are there. Jolly good of the neighbors to wake them up too." *scowls*

Op: "Oh okay, I just thought it was odd that we'd get calls from two L. McMahons in the same building... uhm, yeah we're awfully busy in that area right now, but we'll try and send someone by..." blah blah blah

I mostly called so I could then follow up with the apartment manager with a complaint. That particular neighbor has been good, but I think he's got newly acquired bitch problems, and it's obvioulsly got him drinking and behaving like an asshole now, yay~

That reminds me, I still need to call the manager.


Through most of the years with my close circle of friends (Jeremy, Carmen and Brian), we were curious about things, specifically occult things. One could say this was spawned by all of us being fans of Anne Rice's early Vampire Chronicles, specifically The Vampire Lestat book, but really that and other influences (like Colin Wilson) took us through such things as participating in the 'Crystal Revival' of the late 80's, using ouija boards (the one of which I made, the Egyptian Truth Board, I still have) and other means such as channeling to communicate with disembodies entities, meditating, taking each other through out of body experiences in order to investigate the 'other side', and even taking a road trip to visit the Rosicrucian Egyptian Museum in San Jose, CA. Very interesting times.

One of our favorite places to be curious about was an abandonded mansion in my Sacramento neighborhood, we called it the Dragon House, but it was actually known as the Lionheart Mansion according to my mother who worked for elderly clients and got the story of the place... and I'd have to ask if she remembers it, because I can't recall the story at the moment, though it was tragic. Which would explain why the place was empty. And why we were attracted to it so. We'd often go for walks just to pass by and feel out the place. It was always very quiet though. Once we got brave enough to sneak into the back yard, but never dared to go peer through the windows.

The most brazen thing we did (or at least Jeremy, Brian, and I) explains the following photo:

Halloween 1989, we decided to get dressed up like vampires and go take photos in front of the Dragon House (my mother was nice enough to take the pictures), and as you can tell we got up on the front porch (underneath the giant wood carved lion head which gaurded it) and fired away with the camera flash... well, it was halloween >_> ... but yeah we didn't stick around long, just enough to get a dozen photos or so and then hightail it out of there before the neighbors called the cops. Heh, though then we decided to head down to the State Capitol Building and climb all over the front porch of that for photos - absolutely shameless XD

I have no idea if the Dragon House is still standing, but it'd be interesting to find out if anyone has fixed it up, or horror of horrors, torn it down...



Blogger Ethan said...

Ha, yeah right, nice try XD

6:33 PM  
Blogger Ethan said...

There might be a problem, as I was just at my host's support forum and someone else reported that our particular machine was having spotty issues... I'll report here if it's anything serious.

7:37 PM  
Blogger Ethan said...

I was just informed that Apache is 'running hot' on that particular shared server... they're continuing to investigate.

8:44 PM  

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