Wednesday, September 07, 2005

CascadiaCon Report 1: SPAWNS of Insomnia II

What the heck SPAWNS of Insomina II was.

In short, a specially designed way of making comic artists even more crazy, and in 24 hours no less!

I was scheduled on Thursday Sept 1st, first day of the convention, which I thought would be the bext way to do this, but really there is no best way.


The "Hi mom! I'm at SPAWNS and I like it here!" T- shirt pose...

...or maybe it's the "trying to thumb a ride outta here" pose XD


Le Wërk Space

"Why is my tongue out...? Can't you see I'm trying to focus here? XP"

Things to note: Bottle of Motrin next to lamp, laptop loaded with iTunes music (mostly Duran Duran until I started to get sleepy then back to the Industrial screamy stuff to keep my sharp), and hiding under where I'm drawing a light board that was completely useless in the blazing vampire melting sunlight.


Some of the others who shared my SPAWNS shift (Morgan, Tim, and Scott), and still alive as this was actually taken the next morning.

Things to note: Morgan's Mountain Dew bottle 'o death amongst empty Monster cans (I just had a few Pepsi's myself, but hey she's young she could take it XP), my husband Craig in the background with blue shirt who'd gotten only 3 hours more sleep then I did (which was none since about 6:30am the morning before).

Funny overnight tale: Around 4am or so, while outside on break, I saw a jack rabbit hopping around in the parking lot. I don't think anyone believed me (Scott asked me if he was 6 feet tall XD), until about an hour later he was spotted by everyone else in the lower parking lot viewable from our fabulous view windows.


Other SPAWNS participants:

Larry Lewis and John Aquino (who finished early... damnit). Also Bill Morse waiting in the background armchair for his shift to start, and Stevie in the forground sitting at my Artist Alley table. Stevie (of RIF fame) was a huge help and fun to hang out with during the convention ^_^


Picture of Morgan Sandys as she goes over her 'notes' from the night before.


Some of the 'notes' Morgan drew of me.


Afterwards I experienced a moment of confusion as to where I was supposed to return to after a nap.


But then we figured out the white one was perfect --

-- for getting the fellow SPAWNS crew mates to sign it in the advent of fame and fortune (Tim Pritchard is a genius!!).


So yeah, as for my success at this... well I was going for story (hopefully my strongpoint) I didn't worry about length, I just kinda hoped it would end somewhere around 24 pages, and it did, only it was 18 pages that I completed. I'm pretty pleased with the outcome and proud that I took the challenge. I gotta say though I don't think there'll be a next time... not even if I get paid XD!

Still though it was a blast, and a real bonding experience with my fellow CNW members. So, even though I got stupid towards the end of it (last page took 3 hours to complete with a very forced concentration), and even a little crabby with the energetic Morgan while Craig and Stevie were trying to set up my Artist Alley table and I was trying to get off to bath and bed -- it was all still worth it, and even more so since I was able to raise $150 for Friends of The Seattle Public Library for graphic novel purchases.

Way to go! ^_^



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed it.
Maybe next year!

7:34 PM  
Blogger Ed said...

Wheee! Piccies! Me will steal your Powerbook. :P


10:07 PM  

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