Sunday, October 02, 2005

CascadiaCon Report 4: Sunday and... Weird

Sunday was a bit like Saturday, except... not quite as busy. I was surprised by the amount of folks who would just keep coming by to chat, that was kind of neat :) Dr Chaos even stopped by to pick up a postcard and look over what I did for a living ^_^;;

Also too I was really thrilled that ShadowsMyst from Shifters came all the way down from Vancouver BC to see me (and well check out the Con too XD). Here we are having a photo op -

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Really though you could tell the Con was starting to wind down. By the time my second panel came around it was really starting to get quiet. This panel was a lot... weirder. A 4pm panel on Writing for Comics, with Roberta Gregory, Kevin Boze, John Lustig as moderator, and... some woman I'd never seen before sitting at our table when we all walked into the room O_o ... Turns out she was Julie McGalliard, creator of Goth House, and had been added to the panel at the last moment.

It was odd too because on Friday night the Noxious Emotion shirt-guy had been touting Goth House to me, and here I was on a panel with her. Still though it was oddly uncomfortable because she was the odd man out. To be nice I chose to sit next to her, but I'm not sure she appreciated it - especially when I demanded the last of her mini-comics XD. Also the fact that she touted degrees in Journalism and Psychology during her panel introduction didn't especially win me over much (yeah me who never went to high school hahahaheh... heh...), but I guess we all gotta be proud of something (especially if we spend that much money on something so... worthless) -- OH CHRIST I'm ranting >_< and dissing on someone I hardly know - bad Liriel! *smacks wrist*

I think too the panel was odd because we were all pretty tired, and there were just as many folks in the audience as on the panel (hey - at least we weren't out numbered!), and we ended up just talking over whatever came up... like at one point copyright issues came up, and we discussed that at length even though it didn't really have much to do with writing (what blew my weary mind at that point was an audience member mentioning PartiallyClips, and me sitting there thinking "Hey, I know Rob Baulder online! He should be here!" XD).

Ugh so yeah I came away from that panel very confused and tired, like... like I had been hit by a vampire O_o ...

Eventually though I recovered, with help from ShadowsMyst, who continued to hang out, doing a sketch trade and talking about trying to do a table at SakuraCon together (we're working on that right now in fact :D). Eventually though they had to head back home, and things again wound down.

I puttered around the table for the rest of the day, and finally headed back to the hotel room to just relax. It was raining pretty good all day and night, so it was just a good evening to get some room service and chill.



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