Friday, December 30, 2005

Career Counseling for Beginners

Caution - spelling and grammar errors likely, read journal entry at your own risk! Commentary to follow.

Journal Entry:

March 6th, 1986

At one end of my bed is a bass guitar on the other is a Vouge Magazine. On the table at my bed side is a typewriter & sketching pad with plenty of pencils & white out.

Sometimes I get really confused about what I'll be when I grow up.

Would I really be able to get up on stage with my trusty Haagstrom bass - without freezing?

Would I really enjoy sitting for hours thumping out scene after scene?

Would I really starve if I tried to make a living as an artist?

Well, all I know for sure is that I love to create, and that I have nice taste in fashion magazines.

-LMc '86

Funny that I wrote that, forgot about it until finding it just recently, and that back then I couldn't imagine trying out each field.

I played bass in various bands for over 8 years.

I started writing seriously as a novelist in 1996 (even managed to finish a book once... but lost it to PC failure and subsequent Mac purchase).

Last of all is art, which even though I did some as a teen, I only really just started doing seriously in 2001.

And I'm still learning, as I get to combine two career choices (writing and art), to do something I never ever could have imagined in 1986 -- doing a webcomic ^_^



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