Friday, December 23, 2005

The secret to immortality is...

I finally found my old diaries.

You have no idea how important to me these are, and reading over them I've remembered things and events that I totally forgot about but that essentially made me who I am today.

Everyone should make diaries -- and not these stupid transient blog things either -- it's got to be handwritten and in a book. If you don't know how to write a diary I suggest you go read Bram Stoker's Dracula or something because that's where I first got inspired.

But, before I got into serious journal keeping (about 4 years before my Dracula encounter), I was given a diary for Christmas of 1982, I was 11 years old. I dutifully waited until the new year before making my first entry on January 5th 1983:

"Today I was sick well my mom did not think I was. Today is not the gretest day."

The handwriting is hilariously bad, as well as the spelling. Here's another gem from January 11th 1983:

"Today we pick a harvest of ornges and lemons also I got a bad note from my teacher it said that I was doing bad in math and study habits."

Needless to say it wasn't all that interesting of a life and I soon started scratching out the dates and writing them in, so that the same book covers 4 years in total. The last year written in this book was 1987, a truely defining year for me when I was 15-16 years old and really in search of my self. Really beautiful stuff, and I'm glad I wrote it down.

Other books continue from there, pretty much all the way up until 1997, when I seemed to have consistently stopped writing to myself, or to "À mon agenda," which is the weird way I address entries (I don't even know if that's correct French, but I've used it since 1986).

I started a new Diary two days ago, and it's already helping me vent, rant, and sort out thoughts and feelings. Feels damn good. :)



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